
In rural Maharashtra, a determined young girl, Savita, yearns for education and a bright future. However, as her farmer parents anxiously struggle to find a suitable match for her, societal expectations place immense pressure on her to prioritize marriage over personal aspirations.

  • Director

    Jayant Digambar Somalkar

  • Writer

    Jayant Digambar Somalkar

  • Cast

    Nandini Chikte, Taranath Khiratakar, Sangita Sonekar, Suyog Dhawas, Sandip Somalka, Sandip Parkhi

  • Producer(s)

    Ishwaridas Shetty

  • Editor(s)

    Abhijit Deshpande

  • Music

    Composer – Madhav Agarwal Co-Composer – Tamara Kazziha

  • Language(s)



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