Three Sad Tigers


Set against the backdrop of pre-revolutionary Cuba, the film explores a day in the lives of its diverse characters, capturing the city's vibrant energy and complexity. As it delves into love, politics, and the human condition, Ruiz employs innovative storytelling techniques, creating a visually rich and intellectually engaging cinematic experience. "Three Sad Tigers" stands as a unique and influential work within Latin American cinema, showcasing Ruiz's early directorial prowess.

  • Director

    Raúl Ruiz

  • Writer

    Raúl Ruiz Alejandro Sieveking

  • Cast

    Shenda Román, Nelson Villagra, Luis Alarcón, Jaime Vadell, Delfina Guzmán

  • Producer(s)

    Luiz Augusto Mendes

  • Editor(s)

    Crlos Piaggio

  • Music

    Sérgio Ricardo

  • Language(s)


  • Country(s)



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