
Film Catalouge Information – 10th AIFF

10th AIFF Films - Catalogue Information

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(2 photos (minimum 1 is mandatory), each stills of min. 300 dpi, max. 1 Mb size, in .jpg/.jpeg format)
(2 photos (minimum 1 is mandatory), each stills of min. 300 dpi, max. 1 Mb size, in .jpg/.jpeg format)
(3 photos (minimum 1 is mandatory), each stills of min. 300 dpi, max. 1 Mb size, in .jpg/.jpeg format)
(3 photos (minimum 1 is mandatory), each stills of min. 300 dpi, max. 1 Mb size, in .jpg/.jpeg format)
(Max. 1 Mb size, in .pdf format)

I have authorized the use of the aforementioned promotional material for the 10th Ajanta-Ellora International Film Festival (AIFF) catalogue, AIFF Official website and social media postings.

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